#1e Europe Trip, Snowbird, Private Jets, UTA, Elected Officials, Off the Radar of the public

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8-2-13 (1)  Passenger list to Europe.. 

8-2-13 (2) (click to open)
Updated list to Europe…. (Read Me) Who from UTA went in August 2013?
UTA can’t / won’t tell us.  

Click here to see private jets via tail number 
Private Jet photos from tail number and itinerary

How much did the trip cost and who to make the check out to? SnowbirdScreen Shot 2015-12-09 at 11.12.51 PM

Commissioner Ellertson asked by Bob Bonar to be on Snowbirds “Private Advisory Board” for AF Canyon- Conflict of Interest / Troubling!!!

1- http://americanforkcanyon.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Bonar-asks-Larry-to-be-on-Snowbird-Advisory-Committee.pdf

2- The Snowbird Plan for Commissioner Ellertson to help roll out. read the real intent here of Bob Bonar .. Snowbirds AFC Story – May 2015_2 (1)
3- http://americanforkcanyon.com/grama-request/1-snowbirs-bob-bonar-commissioner-larry-ellertson-interactions-private-jet-advisory-board-request/

Campaign contributions – ironically the same elected officials who are trying to push the AF Canyon land swap, the same elected officials seated alongside Snowbird on committees, the same elected officials who are pushing UTA projects, the same elected officials who are creating a Mountain Planning Commission. Should these leaders not recuse themselves from anything to do with UTA, Snowbird, American Fork Canyon and Mountain Accord?

Ben McAdams received

Commissioner Larry Ellertson received

Mayor Dolan received




For Mayor Becker- Online Campaign Finance Reporting System which shows contributions and expenditures as far back as 2003: https://dotnet.slcgov.com/ManagementServices/CandidateReporting/default.aspx.  From there, click “Candidate Reports”, select the year and click search, select the candidate and there will be a hyper link for the contributions and expenditures for each reporting period.





PC 12-18-12

