# 1aa Mayor Ben McAdams expense report Switzerland- what’s missing? return flight, meals, hotel charges…

This GRAMA response from Mayor Ben McAdams office creates more questions than provides answers. There is no return trip costs nor flight information for a return trip.

  1. How did the mayor get back from Switzerland? No flight information is provided. Private Jet perhaps?
  2. Who paid for the return flight? His name and wife are on the Snowbird passenger list.
  3. His wife went along but there are no expenses showing for her travel?
  4. There are no meal expenses for the mayor while on “official business”?
  5. There are no hotel expenses for the mayor while on “official business”?
  6. It does mention County Rep- UTA Tour, but UTA said they had no idea about this trip. Screen Shot 2015-12-11 at 4.57.21 PMIf the mayor was on official business, would there not be receipts for these other charges?