We don’t believe we have a complete fulfillment from GRAMA requests,but sufficient to cause great concern with what has taken place in American Fork Canyon. Bonar asks Larry to be on Snowbird Advisory Committee– Mind boggling Bob Bonar would even ask this of our county commissioner No diet restrictions private chef Inquiry from Snowbird to Commissioner Ellertson about dietary needs / private chef page 59 Private Jet Summit Gala, Invitation from Bob Bonar to Commissioner Ellertson for private jet trip to Europe, who all went? Snowbird-Ellertson-UTA-Europe-Trip itinerary Larry and Bob Gala Tickets (2) @ $150 each from Bob to Commissioner Ellertson http://www.utahcounty.gov/dept/ClerkAud/Data/Minutes/CANDFINDISCCOMMISSC/2012/Ellertson102912.pdf $3500.00 donation Bob Bonar to Larry Ellertson 2010, Bonars talks to Ellertson re- AFCanyon