Utah County Board of Adjustments Packet 1552- Basis for approval- What was missing?


What is missing from this document?
References to known hazards to the water quality, EPA studies, lead, arsenic, zinc…
We maintain that the Board of Adjustments didn’t do their due diligence and adequate fact finding.
EPA documents obtained via FOIA clearly demonstrate known problems in the private land holdings by Snowbird.
The B of A failed to fully take into consideration the public health, safety and welfare in their processes.
The B of A failed to FOIA the EPA which would have provided them facts to base their decisions.
The County including Bryce Armstrong does not appear to have done any substantial fact finding or FOIA requests to ascertain what hazards exist on Snowbirds private lands.

Failure to do due diligence it appears, but you can download the document and decide for yourself.